August 2012

August 12 - Ecclesiastes 1: 2-14 . 2:18-26

Ecclesiastes is a lesson for all of us.  It is believed to have been written by Solomon, perhaps the greatest and wisest of all the human kings of the Jewish people.  Ahh, the wisdom of Solomon.  The lesson is about life, written by an author that knows life from a perspective of one that literally "had it all".  And yet he realized that things of this world, the things we often seek out and put effort into, are of little true value.  It is vanity of vanities.


Join the pastor in sifting through this scripture to see what we can learn from one of the wisest persons in history.


August 19 - Guest Speaker - Elder Bill Kralik

Throughout scripture, the Messiah is identified as "The Lamb of God".  Beginning in Genesis we find references -- on the way to the altar, Isaac asks his dad, "Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" In response, Abraham prophesied, "My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together" (Genesis 22:7-8).

Bill made us aware of many more of those passages as he led us in worship.


August 26 Casa Julie Presentation

A  special presentation regarding the ongoing mission at Casa Julie in Progreso, Mexico.  Established by Mary Jo Johnson in memory of her daughter, Julie, the mission serves the “poorest of the poor.”   Casa Julie is a hub for community activities and offers local residents a venue for worship, Bible study, food and clothing distribution, and fellowship.  Cortland Christian has been privileged to partner with the Johnson’s in this vital ministry.  Pastor Don and Lorra have traveled to Progreso to work at the mission on numerous occasions.  Plan on being in worship for this important presentation and update on the status of the mission.   There will be a covered dish dinner following worship.